Ven­tureTECH SBI invests RM10 mil­lion into Bayo Pay

KUALA LUMPUR: Local small and medium enter­prises (SMES) will have greater access to per­son­al­ised fintech plat­forms fol­low­ing an agree­ment signed between a joint ven­ture fund man­age­ment com­pany and a gov­ern­ment backed impact invest­ment com­pany with a non­bank e-money issuer.

Under the agree­ment, Ven­tureTECH SBI Sdn Bhd and Ven­tureTECH Sdn Bhd have inves­ted RM7 mil­lion and RM3 mil­lion respect­ively in non-bank e-money issuer Bayo Pay (M) Sdn Bhd.

The RM10 mil­lion invest­ment would also assist Bayo Pay, a licensed Mas­ter­card non-bank emoney issuer, to fur­ther enhance its B2B2X white label Digital Pay­ment-as-a-Ser­vice solu­tions to sup­port the growth of local fin­an­cial tech­no­logy or fintech star­tups in Malay­sia.

B2B2X is a grow­ing busi­ness model where mul­tiple parties (the Bs) cre­ate and deliver new ser­vices for any type of end-cus­tomer (the X), be they enter­prises or con­sumers.

This Series A fun­drais­ing round was led by Ven­tureTECH SBI, accord­ing to a state­ment issued by Ven­tureTECH, which is the gov­ern­ment-backed impact invest­ment com­pany.

Ven­tureTECH SBI, mean­while, is a joint-ven­ture fund man­age­ment com­pany of Ven­tureTECH and SBI Ven­tures Malay­sia Sdn Bhd (a wholly owned sub­si­di­ary of SBI Hold­ings Inc of Japan).

The joint ven­ture makes stra­tegic invest­ments in South­east Asia with focus on Malay­sian-based privately­owned com­pan­ies that fall under its tar­get sec­tors of high value added industry and emer­ging tech­no­logy such as ICT, fintech, greentech and biotech.

The state­ment said the fund­ing into Bayo Pay enables any fintech star­tups or cor­por­ates to dive into digital fin­an­cial ser­vices at a more effi­cient cost.

Mohd Jerry Tan, prin­cipal of Ven­tureTECH SBI said the RM7 mil­lion invest­ment will speed up Bayo Pay’s product devel­op­ment cycle through hir­ing addi­tional tal­ents and cli­ent acquis­i­tion.

Ahmad Redzuan Sidek, chief exec­ut­ive officer (CEO) of Ven­tureTECH said the RM3 mil­lion invest­ment will sup­port local fintech tal­ents in line with Malay­sia’s vis­ion of embra­cing IR4.0 towards cre­at­ing a more equit­able, inclus­ive and sus­tain­able growth.

“Bayo Pay’s tech­no­lo­gical fea­tures would enable its cli­ents to cus­tom­ise and offer vari­ous products that are cent­ral to its stra­tegic pos­i­tion­ing,” said Ahmad Redzuan.

Mean­while, Aznul Abdul­lah, CEO of Bayo Pay, said the invest­ments would help pro­mote its ancil­lary digital ser­vices and help execute strategies to lever­age the global surge in the use of digital pay­ments.

Ven­tureTECH said this marks its first invest­ment in the fintech mar­ket seg­ment and, with the addi­tion of Bayo Pay, has inves­ted and com­mit­ted to invest in 25 tech­no­logy industry lead­ers with an aggreg­ate investee net worth sur­pass­ing the RM2 bil­lion mark.

The co-invest­ment agree­ment was signed yes­ter­day by Mohd Jerry Tan, Ahmad Redzuan and Fardan Majeed, group man­aging dir­ector of Bayo Pay in Ven­tureTECH’s office in Cyber­jaya.


Source: PressReader